Friday, March 19, 2010


Moon is a 2009 independent psychological thriller starring Sam Rockwell and the voice of Kevin Spacey. Wow, what can I say other than 'bravo'! This may be the best film of 2009, literally, it was a very impressive movie that was sucessfully written, with great graphics plus the help of two great actors to give this film that 'awe' factor. The screenplay was written perfectly, most psychological thrillers like this are usually confusing and you often rewind the movie just to get what's going on. However this is not the case with Moon, it's a psychological film not too complicated to understand the storyline, not just that factor, it has many great lines and actions troughout the movie that shows that whoever wrote this is a literary genious! Anyway besides the writing, the graphics were pretty astounding as well! You really think while watching this that they actually did filming on the Moon! However not just that the robot was really cool too! The robot whose name in the movie is GERTY was voiced by Kevin Spacey. GERTY is a real huge robot that dangles from the ceiling for which has a track to move on to and fro throughout the moon base in the movie. The robot however looks very rinky dink and sloppily made compared to other robots in other movies but it has this kind quality to it that makes you look past it's cheepness and it ends up being your favorite movie robot! Anyway other than that, the acting was very superb by Sam Rockwell! In the movie he had to play 2 versions of himself, one as a tired, weak, yet intelligent astronaut and the other as a stong, physically and mentally fit astronaut who is yet a bit naive. His acting made both characters different wich hard to do these days in acting when playing the two main characters with one actor. All in all I definately without a doubt have to give this movie a 5 out of 5, perfectly made with just $5 mil dollars!