Friday, January 1, 2010

Star Trek

Star Trek is a 2009 film starring Simon Pegg, and some other actors who are not as great as Simon Pegg. The movie was great, personally a great must see for any Trekkie (Star Trek nerds). Just everything was great about this movie from the storyline to the special effects and eventually the acting. I thought it was a great movie idea to have the story of Captain Kirk, Spock, Scotty and everyone else's lives before and until they became who they were on the U.S.S. Enterprise. The acting was great, including Simon Pegg who played a realistic Scotty. I mean his Scotish accent down perfectly, I had my friend ask me later after me and him watched the the movie if Simon Pegg was Scottish but I actually surprised him when reveiling that he's actually British! Now thats good acting, even the original Scotty didnt have a realistic accent! Overall I give this movie a 4.5 out of 5, it was great but it didnt impress me to the highest extent.